The Fab Five Kittens

The Fab Five Kittens

HelloooooOO! It’s me, Faith. At this point, I am almost 2 weeks old and I am one of the Fabulous Five! They call us that because we really are fabulous! The Cat Connection found out that we needed help so they came to get us right away and they have been taking care of us. I already told you my name. We have my sister Fay, she is the other calico, and then there is Fuego. He is orange and Fuego means fire, get it? My other two brothers are Fred and Fruitloop.

We don’t have a Momma. Our momma didn’t make it. After she got done having us she was really tired and had to go to Rainbow Bridge. We know that one day we will all be with her again, but in the meantime, we are here and like I said, being very well taken care of! Our Cat Connection ladies are soooo nice!

They make us feel so safe and special! Do you know that we get to eat about every five hours? By the way; that’s around the clock! They have to be very careful not to get confused. If they do then maybe they would miss feeding one of us then we might go hungry and that would not be a good thing. To make sure of it, they use two carriers and transfer us as we are fed and cleaned up into the other one. Now you might be thinking, how could they confuse us? That’s because some of us have similar colors. Of course I think I am the most beautiful! How can you not agree? Okay, okay so you are not into my look, maybe you prefer orange, like Fuego, my brother, but in my opinion, I am gorgeous!

In our carrier we have blankets that are nice and clean and soft and a heating pad that keeps us warm. Sometimes we all curl up together and sometimes we might feel like roaming a bit through the blankets until we find the door where we can look out and see what is happening in our foster home. Our ladies are very careful about making sure that we don’t get cold. They keep an eye on us and reach in to cover us back up if they think we are getting cold.

So I should mention that it is a bit early for kitten season. I heard the ladies talking about having warm weather back in November and that is starting the 2018 Kitten Season very early. Do you know what that means? Okay, just in case you don’t, I can tell you. It means that you should have an eye open out in your yard, your garage or shed or any other area that might be good for a momma cat to have or hide her family. If you do see some then you should get in touch with the Animal Control Officer or The Cat Connection right away so that they can help. Please don’t leave them out there. If you do, they could die or become feral which means that they might not have the happy ending of having a safe and warm forever home.

The important thing is that you need to keep an eye out for any kittens that might be outside. If you do see them, please try to help. Put a shelter out for them, even if it is a plastic storage bin with blankets in it. Cut a hole in the top and turn it over on its side. Give them food and water until you can get them into a safe and warm place. Also, if you have any cats that are not spayed or neutered then you could contact The Cat Connection. They may be able to help you find a place that will help you get it done.

Oh and in case you are wondering, the Fabulous Five is not ready to be adopted and won’t be for a while because we have to finish growing. We just opened our eyes, so we have a lot of exploring to do and some learning too!

Would you like to help? I bet we could use some people to foster both kittens and cats and we can use donations to buy stuff for me and all my kitten friends and the cats.

For more information you can go to and check out all the stuff you can do, or you can call 781-899-4610 but remember it’s all volunteers and they might be taking care of kittens so you might have to wait for a call back, okay? Meanwhile, a great big meow to you! (Okay so it’s a little meow!)

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