Looking for Their Forever Homes!

Looking for Their Forever Homes!

Hi there! My name is Bambi and someone is helping me write this because my paws are kinda big for the keys. I heard that some of the kitty girls were getting ready for this Kitty Corner and they were asking for sponsors. So me and a couple of the guys were thinking that maybe we could get together and form a group too! We even have a name. It’s “We Have a Christmas Wish Too.”

Our Christmas Wish is that we will all have Forever Homes in the New Year. Now, we know that you may have read about us before, but we thought we had better remind you a little about each of us and then you can decide that you would like to grant our wish, okay?

First, my name is Bambi. I’m a 6 year old orange and white short haired tabby. I had a home once, but my people moved and left me behind outside. I did get a new forever home but I ended up coming back to the Cat Connection. I am not sure why, but when I got back I had to go to get some dental work. Have you ever had that? All I know is one minute I was awake and then I woke up and my mouth was sore but then it got all better and I feel great now! So time to try getting another home that might really be “Forever” this time.

Now Midnight would like to tell you that he is also hanging around waiting for his own Forever Home. He was the guy that you might have read about a while back. He got out of a foster home and was running around for months before the Cat Connection volunteers who never ever gave up by the way, found him. The good thing is he did get found and he is friendly and only 3 years old, but for some reason he can’t seem to find a Forever Home either. Meanwhile, he is hanging out with a great foster family while he waits to get his wish answered too!

Then there is Chip. He is a beautiful orange tabby cat. He didn’t look so good when he first came to the Cat Connection and he could barely see. When he was brought to the vet, they learned that he had a bad infection in both eyes, caused by his eyelashes having inverted and grown into his eye. This condition causes such pain and discomfort that the only solution was surgery in at least one eye. Chip is a friendly, loving cat. He follows his foster mom around and loves to sleep in bed with her (sometimes under the covers). We know that some people look at his eyes and it might be a turn off, but he really is a love. Don’t let the funny look make you shy away from him because you will be missing out on a really special cat! Okay, I will remind you all the way down here that Chip would really love to have his very own Forever Home in the New Year too!

Interested in one of us? Please fill out an application. We’ll be waiting to meet you!

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