Please help us make our goal!

Please help us make our goal!

Calendar Raffle update: sales are very low at this point, we should be much further along if we’re going to make our goal of $15,000 (or even do as well as we did last year!) Please help us out by buying or selling tickets now, don’t wait till the last minute. There’s only 2 weeks left and you know how fast the summer goes by! 

Again. just print out the calendar found here, fill out the ticket stub and mail it with a check ($10 for one, $25 for 3) to:

The Cat Connection

P.O.Box 541435

Waltham. MA 02454

Then check here every day in August to see who the winners are (we will also call).

Tickets make great gifts! Or bring them to work and sell them to the people whom you’ve bought things from over the years!

Thanks very much for your help! The cats it will allow us to save will appreciate it as much as we do!

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