Surrender a Pet

If you wish to surrender your cat(s), you must complete the Surrender Request Form. If we can take your cat(s), we will notify you and you must complete and bring the Surrender Agreement Form with you when surrendering the cat(s). We try to respond to every request within 48 hours.
We prefer for any surrenders we accept to be:
- Up-to-date on all vaccines
- Neutered or spayed (if over 12 weeks old)
- Accompanied by all veterinary records
- If not spayed or neutered, a $200 surrender fee
- If not spayed, neutered, or recently vaccinated, a $250 surrender fee
We will do our best to help you, and are accepting cats in our fear-free shelter as space permits. If we are able to take in your cat, please be sure to bring a completed surrender agreement with your pet.
Since we cannot guarantee that space will be available, we recommend that you also contact some of these other no-kill rescues in the area as well as TCC.
Surrender Agreement must be present at the time of intake with the cat.