

Hello, my name is Geraldine and I am a beautiful muted calico. I think I am pretty lucky that I was found by The Cat Connection. My mom was a really smart feral cat and she kept hiding from the volunteers whenever they came and tried to trap her and spay her so she wouldn’t have any more kittens. She had four litters of kittens before they could finally catch her! All those kittens, and only three were really pretty tame. All the rest were more feral and really didn’t tame up enough so that people would want to adopt them. Don’t be sorry for them though. They are all happy and have friends in their foster home and they have a really nice life. They just don’t like to be touched.

Maybe if you come and see me you would think about being my sponsor and then you could send a little money every month and it would go to help support my needs at the Cat Connection. You might also like to become my long term foster mom or dad! That would mean you could take me home and let me get used to living with you, and see me every day! The Cat Connection would support you by coming to take me to the vet and paying the bills for it and you would get to have me for a beautiful kitty companion!

But, if you wanted to do that you would have to let me bring a friend! have this great friend and her name is Whitlow and she is really pretty. She is a little older like me too and she has never been able to find her own forever home either. I come from the north side of Waltham and she comes from way over on the south side and we met here at the Cat Connection! You could say that we represent the both sides of the same coin and it would be great if we could stay together forever, maybe with you? We really like to curl up together and take snuggly naps. We also both like to play with the laser light. Maybe we could do these things at your house?

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