

Hello, my name is Whitlow and in 2007 some people saw me in their yard and called for help. Of course the place they called was the Cat Connection! The volunteers came to pick me right up out of that yard and take me to be spayed, but they found out that I was having kittens so they had to wait. Then, along came three little kittens and they we beautiful little tigers just like me, and they were all adopted.

Now as for me; I was supposed to go back out into that yard and live there with a nice warm little house that was going to be made just for me by Cat Connection volunteers, but unfortunately, the people didn’t want to let me come back to their yard! You know, I wouldn’t have bothered them and the Cat Connection volunteers would have even come every day to feed me and keep an eye on me if the people didn’t want to feed me themselves. I don’t think I would have been much of a bother and I think they might have liked having the quiet company out there, but what can I say, it didn’t happen.

So because I couldn’t go back there, my foster mom said it would be okay if I stayed with her, which was really lucky for me! She is patient and kind and she loves cats and kittens, so she just let me hang out with her and the other fosters and she shows me tons of patience all the time! They think I am about eleven years old now and I just had some dental work to get rid of the pain I was having so that is really great! I like not having the pain!

I hear the volunteers say that I have really beautiful green eyes and that I have a cute stubby little tail. Do you have pretty eyes? Maybe we could look at each other sometime and compare eyes, or maybe you would like to see my cute little stubby tail and tubby little body?

Maybe if you come and see me you would think about being my Sponsor and then you could send a little money every month and it would go to help pay my dental bills.

You might also like to become my long-term foster mom or dad! That would mean you could take me home and let me get used to living with you, and see my beautiful eyes and tail every day, and the Cat Connection would support you by coming to take me to the vet and paying the bills for it and you would get to have beautiful little me for a kitty companion!

But, if you wanted to do that you would have to let me bring a friend! I have this great friend and her name is Geraldine and she is really pretty. She is a little older like me too and she has never been able to find her own forever home either. I come from the south side of Waltham and she comes from way over on the north side! You could say that we represent the both sides of the same coin.

We also both like to play with a laser light. That is one our favorite things to do. She is going to be in the Kitty Corner next week so you will learn more about her then. In the meantime, you could email for more info or to find out about coming in to meet me and maybe even Geraldine. Then you could decide if you want to be a sponsor or even a long term foster! C’mon! You know you want to!

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